Auf einem Tisch stehen und liegen Tablets, Smartphones und Zettel. Einige der Geräte werden von Händen gehalten bzw. bedient (Bild: Yulia Grigoryeva |
Yulia Grigoryeva |

2018 - 2021 - EMEX - Emerging Media Exploration

Media consumption of non-linear content and new concepts of interactive television formats are becoming ever more popular, especially amongst a younger audience.

This is where EMEX comes in. During the project students from Germany, England and Finland will work together to develop new interactive video formats.

The Project

  • Das Logo von emex (Quelle: rbb Innovationsprojekte)
    rbb Innovationprojekte

    EMEX aims to link research with media technologies in university-level courses. EMEX will develop new approaches to teaching, leading to cooperation between universities and media companies.

    The goal of the project is to research the impact of and the best approach to new and emerging media technologies.

  • Das Logo von emex (Quelle: rbb Innovationsprojekte)
    rbb Innovationprojekte

    rbb is a media partner in the EMEX project, coordinated by the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolff. rbb's Innovation Projects team provides a variety of existing innovative technologies and tools.

    In addition rbb, in cooperation with student project teams, is involved in developing interactive and participative TV formats, and contributes media company requirements to such developments.

  • Das Logo von emex (Quelle: rbb Innovationsprojekte)
    rbb Innovationprojekte

    Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Deutschland | Website

    Tampere University of Applied Sciences LTD, Finland | Website

    Tampereen Yliopisto, Finnland | Website

    University of Central Lancashire, England | Website

    University of Lincoln, England | Website