In einer violetten, viereckigen Sprechblase vor einer gelben Wand steht "HI" (Bild: GBD.COLOGNE |

Innovative Projects from rbb

The Innovation Projects division brings European know-how to rbb. As part of the Technical Innovation Management department, our multi-disciplinary team has been working on European research and development projects for almost two decades. Within each project, we work alongside European experts from science and industry in developing the very latest media and technologies for use in rbb's services.


  • Ein Würfel davon wird von einer Hand so in der Luft gehalten, dass eine 4 und eine 5 zu sehen sind. Ein zweiter Würfel liegt daneben auf einem Tisch und zeigt auf der dem Betrachter zugewandten Seite den Buchstaben G (Bild: Monster Ztudio |
    Monster Ztudio |


    Despite the widespread adoption of LTE, it's replacement is already upon us. Thanks to extremely high bandwidth, ultra-fast response and robust flexibility, the 5G (Fifth Generation mobile broadcast) standard will enable the development of completely new uses for industry, traffic, media and the home.

  • Ein Roboter liegt - gebettet auf weichem Füllmaterial - in einer aufgeklappten Pappschachtel (Bild: complize |
    complize |

    Artificial Intelligence

    Current developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) focus upon ‘machine learning’, computer-driven comprehension and interpretation of data. These will have a wide impact on all branches of the media industry.

  • Ein Radio auf dem Ast eines Baumes (Bild: spacejunkie l
    spacejunkie |

    New Experiences in Radio

    In the morning, you might wake up to an informative alarm call via DAB+; on your way to work, you can tune in to a musical accompaniment on VHF; after a stressful day, you wind down to a relaxing livestream. In all its various forms and formats, radio is omnipresent, and is one of the most popular media formats in Germany.

  • Der Preis "Goldene Krone - Leipziger Kunstpreis für Gehörlose" in der Kategorie "Sonderpreis 2015" wird in einer Hand gehalten (Bild: rbb Innovationsprojekte)
    rbb Innovationsprojekte


    The rbb Innovations team uses state-ofthe art technology to support barrier-free access to rbb content for those with sight and hearing difficulties. One example is personalisable subtitles for use on TV, with on-demand content and in all other programme services.

  • Ein Fernrohr ( | DWerner)
    DWerner |

    Moving Image

    Audio-visual technologies and media use are inherently connected and are in a state of continual evolution. This presents a wide range of possibilities, offering challenges and opportunities.

  • Ein Screenshot der Startseite der HbbTV-App "Berliner Mauer - Geschichte in Bildern" (Bild: rbb Innovationsprojekte)
    rbb Innovationsprojekte

    Cultural Heritage

    Europe is rich in culture and history. Every European country is obliged to preserve its heritage for future generations and to make it accessible.

  • Zwei Buttons auf farbigem Hintegrund: auf einem steht "NO", auf dem anderen "Yes" (Bild: LBP |
    LBP |

    At the Heart of our Testing - The Users

    Whatever the rbb Innovations team undertakes within European Union research projects, our modus operandi remains constant - we work alongside real users. When we develop new services and tools, the intended users are our focal point.



    Mehrere potentiell via 5G vernetzbare Gegenstände, darunter u. a. ein Auto, eine Drohne, eine Kaffeemaschine und Kopfhörer, formen den Begriff "5G" (Bild: Chesky |
    Chesky |

    5G-VICTORI (2019 - 2022)

    With ever-more rapid transmission of large amounts of data and lightning-fast response times, 5G offers new possibilities to both private and professional users. Changing user behaviour and the enormous amounts of video and audio data involved require more flexibility, speed and stability of transmission to ensure the availability of live and on-demand content.

    The 5G-VICTORI project supports the development of 5G by looking at accompanying new uses and challenges.

  • EMEX

  • LinBi

  • ReTV

  • ImAc

  • Hyper360


  • MPAT

  • Completed Projects


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nanihta |


Annette Wilson
Produktions- und Betriebsdirektion
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb)
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 20
14482 Potsdam

Phone: +49-(0)331-97993-50040
Fax: +49-(0)331-97993-50049
Email: annette.wilson(@)